Success Story – Hadas Shviki, Unit Tester, NICE Systems

hadas shviki found her job at nice systems through the jobnet site.

hadas, 26, is a bioinformation student at ben-gurion university. in december she began working part-time at nice while continuing her studies.

“i’m still in the learning phase,” says hadas. “the training i receive at nice goes way beyond a specific job. it’s comprehensive training related to the product and the company. hopefully, if both sides are pleased, i’ll be able to advance and develop here.”

on the job-search process:
“the search process was not very long. i started looking for work seriously in september. every day i would sit down at the computer for hours. i would check sites, send resumes and update myself daily, especially on jobnet."

“i think jobnet is one of the best sites in the field – if not the best – in terms of searching ease, the range of jobs and the fact it gets updated constantly. i entered the site every day to get updated. sometime around october i got a call from nice and after quite a long period of interviews and tests, i start the job.”

hadas at the nice laboratories

hadas works as a unit tester, conducting software testing during the development phase, prior to qa. she works on a development team comprised of six workers.

nice systems is an international, israel-based high-tech company and a leader in the communications field. the company provides advanced solutions for commercial organizations and government bodies. nice solutions are most notable for their use of advanced technologies to gather interactive voice and video data and process them into meaningful information used to facilitate decision-making. this unique approach allows the company’s clients to maximize latent potential of various types of interactions in order to improve business performance and operations and deal with security threats.

on work at nice:
“i’m really happy here. it’s a very pleasant place. the people here are very good. they are both professional and give you a nice feeling. the relations among the employees at the company are very good.”

hadas is scheduled to complete her degree at the end of the year, and she would be glad to continue working at nice.

adds ayelet peled, human resources manager of nice israel:
“during the course of 2006 nice recruited ten employees through jobnet. all of the candidates who were hired and today work at a range of tasks in various fields - from development and qa to accounting - testify this is an effective and responsible job-search channel that meets their needs. during the course of 2007 nice plans to recruit a substantial number of new workers and sees jobnet as a significant partner, taking an active and wide-ranging role -even more than in the past - in recruiting employees.

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